[AUDIO] 'Kill or Be Killed' – Bajo

killed or be killed BAJO artDivine Force Music Head Honcho, Bajo drops yet another single after dropping his still trending Nasoh, he tittled this one Killed or Be Killed .

Kill or be killed by Bajo is a song most needed at such a time as this. The song is saying here are habits that are detrimental to our lives and destiny and if we refuse to kill them they`ll end up killing us.

For if you live according to the flesh, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live. In Romans 8:13, apostle Paul gives us a wise counsel: Kill your sin! It’s a concept that we don’t hear much about any more. But it used to be a widely understood approach to sanctification. The Puritans called it “the mortification of sin.” We are engaged in mortal combat with an enemy that lurks within: the flesh. Either you kill it every day or it will kill you.

Purchased audio via BoomPlay


Bajo is a Trained and called Church musician, a theologian, a multi talented instrumentalist, an indigenous afro pop gospel artist, a song writer, producer and the CEO of Divine Force Music, a Nigerian based music company that singed gospel at listed.

He received his training as a church musician at the Nigerian Baptist theological Seminary and as a theologian at the Baptist College of Theology Lagos state.He’s was ordained into the full gospel ministry as a Reverend.

He has worked as a full time music minister in many Churches across the nation, also Signed a number of gospel artistes.



Twitter: @BajaNaoh

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The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.



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