[VIDEO] 'Halleluyah' – Carol Cee

Carol-Cee-HalleluyahInternational worship leader, Carol Cee, has devied all odds to give God all the praise in new music video. While on vacation in the U.S earlier in the year, instead of taking the day off after see the weather forecast warning of stormy snowy day, she saw it as an opportunity to record the music video of her hit single, HALLELUYAH!

Would you roll the praise drums in the storm?
Would you do the praise dance when there’s an avalanche?
Would you still hold on to His word if there’s unbearable cold?
Would you sit at His feet if there was extreme heat?

The moral of this is simple; never rain or shine can hinder our praise. Our God continues to Reign as He makes us Shine in Him. Are you ready to praise Him no matter the weather?

Watch video below,


Anoda Righteousman Production for Praise Affairs International (C)2018.


Twitter: @iamCarolCee
Instagram: carolceee
Facebook: Carol Cee Erhabor

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Random Bible verse

Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke them. Then he gave them to the disciples to distribute to the people. They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over.



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