[LYRICS] ‘Nobody’ – Bimbo Psalmz


Search throughout eternity
Looked around could find no one like you
No one like you
search throughout eternity
Looked around could find no one like you
No one like you

You made the sun, the moon, the stars, the sky
Through the ends of the earth I looked around found no one
No one like you
You sit in heaven and make the earth your footstool
Created me and me your choiced own
No one No one like

You are Jesus
You are my redeemer
You are my Elyon
And your name is a strong tower
You are Yaweh
Nothing compares to you
No one can take your place
No power contends your way

Search throughout eternity
Looked around could find no one like you
No one like you

Nobody like you

search throughout eternity
Looked around could find no one like you
No one like you


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