Minister Umoren has released 70 happenings ahead of the year 2021 and stated that the prophecies are not to scare anyone; that the intent is that the name of the Lord be glorified.
See the details below;
1: Heightened grievances and chaos everywhere.
2: A cry for world peace but it doesn’t last and it doesn’t work.
3: The great tribulations begins; full lockdown.
4: More Fuming against China.
5: A MESSAGE TO THE NIGERIAN GOVERNMENT; Nigeria is heading to a high season of famine and indebtedness, please the only solution is to Cry to God for mercy and also the Government should invest in Agriculture and Nigerian made items.
6: The Hardship in life will increase but those who look up to God won’t be ashamed.
7: More Fire Outbreaks and explosions also in man countries of the World.
8: Death of Some prominent people and world leaders.
9: God’s Hand is coming upon the Northern part of Nigeria and you will see conversions from Islam to Christianity will be like wildfire (it’s Revival).
10: 2021 the Financial World of the entire globe will suffer a great Blow; money will loose value, but the Lord is raising men that shall surmount in that season despite the crash in finances. I see the Church stumbling into that season of great wealth in 2021, people of the world will be so stranded and Christians will buy over their companies, and properties at a very low cost, etc.
11: An incumbent governor dies.
12: Feminism, one of the doctrines of Devils shall gain more grounds even in the lives of some believers.
13: Nigeria gains more global recognition as a result of the happenings.
14: A revival in the Body of Christ in Nigeria begins.
15: natural resources war; Oil wells seized from northern leaders and taken over by indigenes of the land.
16: Much deaths in Mexico.
17: Pray for Argentina; many crying.
18: I saw a worse experience than the first outbreak of Corona virus, this one is out to shut down everything but this can be averted with much prayers.
19: The release of the Mark of the beast in disguise (Vaccines coming).
20: I see many getting married.
21: More Pestilence, Famine and premature deaths (war).
22: Micro chips becoming the new normal.
23: I see Hurricane destroying properties and lives.
23: Huge, Big holes appearing in Russia, chaos in that country.
24: The Greater Glory Of God begins to Manifest all over the World.
25: More and More kidnaps, even very ridiculous kidnaps, (people carried away for a little token has their ransom).
26: War, killings and bombings resume in the Middle East.
27: More Plagues are coming that can’t be controlled by drugs.
28: Earthquakes occurring in places that haven’t experienced them before (dams, bridges, many properties and lives destroyed).
29: More insults hurled at Ministers of the Gospel.
30: More laws that further brings hardship to the masses.
31: Global Economic failure(Nigeria inclusive) many customers not happy with their banks because of new regulations of transactions.
32: More Investment in Virtual reality, it becomes the new norm.
33: We’ve entered the Era Of God’s Power; they’ll be strange things happening in the Body Of Christ that the normal mind of men can’t carry it or comprehend it.
34: I see a lot of collaborations between African entertainers (Movie & Music Industry) and International entertainers.
35: A mighty move of the Holy Spirit, children manifesting God’s power, people get saved, filled in odd places…a young believer already begins to work in the miraculous.
36: Many people also stop going to church, saying they’re tired of Pastors.
37: I saw a tragedy in Italy.
38: Amidst the tumult I see more marriages, many hurriedly marrying.
39: I saw great confusion and tears in South/North Korea.
40; The Government of Nigeria is Judged and a New Nigeria is Born.
41: The Spirit of falsehood/deception is released an the shall be an increase in Falsehood/deception, men lying and women lying even when caught in the very act they’ll still lie; and this will be found more in churches not just in the society.
42: Homosexuality and Lesbianism is on the increase, Woman becoming men and men becoming women and this is becoming a norm even legalized in some states and cities in the world.
43: I see concentration camps, in many countries of the world, every country that doesn’t have is asked to build many. This is a demonic agenda to control a population that refuses to comply with their new demonic laws from the new world order.
44: I see personal properties being seized and many property owners asked to do the governments bid or forfeit their properties forever (The system of the Anti Christ to control everything and everyone, the reign of a demonic government).
45: COVID 21? World War closing in, New World Order? Anti-Christ…2022?
46: Increase persecution of Christians within Nigeria and the world at large.
47: Many more railings on Apostle Johnson Suleman, this won’t bring or stop him but rather increase him and many servants of God mocked and attacked.
48: If Biden is finally President of USA he will be later impeached or he will resign and Kamala Harris will take over(then shakings skyrocket).
49: Many Divorces in marriages.
50: Increase in abortions of babies.
51: The Spirit of Divination and soothsaying shall increase in the land.
52: A Nigerian ex president dies.
53: A rise in Technology, everything becoming computerized.
54: New faces taking over the financial scene.
55: The voice of women becoming stronger globally has women begin to receive appointments to sit on great positions in various spheres of the society.
56: Militants return.
57: Natural disasters; Fire outbreak in forest, houses, markets, gas stations, Floods, hurricane, hail stones.
58: A Great Move of God in Ghana and God is raising many Elijahs.
59: I see France becoming a horse(i.e cocky, moving with speed, strength and Stubborn to countries they where ones good allies).
60: Students/Lecturers of Public institutions/Universities revolt.
61: Plan to abolish Western education thwarted and Islamic agenda to Islamise Nigeria fails again.
62: The virus makes safety measures to be intensified.
63: The Love of Many is beginning to wax cold and evil increases in the land.
64: Many shall be jobless and some that had a job will loose it, I see many relieved of their duties.
65: The Secret of Blessings in this year is in the Obedience of instructions.
66: More demonic means of making money, rituals on the increase.
67: God calls home another General in the faith.
68: Government using uniform men to intimidate its citizens more and carry out their selfish desires.
69: More accidents and kidnappings.
70: Many that didn’t receive the Vaccine treated as no bodies and a ghost in their own society.
This prophecies are not to scare anyone, the intent is that the Name of the Lord be Glorified; let’s arise and stand in the gap.
Please watch and Pray: only the will of God should stand.
Happy New Year in Advance