[DOWNLOAD] ‘Dancia’ – Steve Crisco

A new single titled “Dancia” has been released by Steve Crisco; a multi-instrumentalist, singer, songwriter, producer; proficient in video editing and audio engineering.

He is a graduate of Education Music from the prestigious University of Nigeria Nsukka, with about 30 years of live music performance and studio recording experience. Steve Crisco does all kinds of music, ranging from the traditional to contemporary African hip-hop, RnB and most contemporary music genres.

Pastor Stephen is from Enugu State, Nigeria, and currently the pastor of Christ embassy Church, LA Gardena, California, USA, and the Director of Crisco Music Studios Gardena, Los Angeles, CA USA.

Download and spread the word.



Facebook: @Stevecriscomusic
Instagram: @Steve_crisco
Web: stevecriscomusic.com

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Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.