Perform gospel songs at Night Clubs – Lanre Teriba


The abominable things people say because of their greed but the gosple artiste just said he knows Jesus and Jesus knows him well.

Well, just recently Lanre Teriba, better known as Atorise, replied critics who are criticising him for playing in local pubs and night clubs. According to reports, the artiste said he is the first to take gospel music to night clubs and is urging other gospel artistes to do the same.

‘I am the first gospel artiste to take God’s message of liberation and deliverance through songs to night clubs. I don’t see anything wrong in it, but it is all to the glory of God. I just want people to know that whatever they can enjoy out there, they can enjoy it with God. I perform at parties and I also encourage many gospel artistes to play at parties so they can make a living for themselves,’ he said.

The artiste further added that the controversy trailing him are neither affecting his relationship with God, his fans or clients.

‘Jesus knows me and I know him, every other thing to me is secondary and inconsequential. I don’t sing about myself and none of my songs is about me. God directs and He fills my mouth anytime I want to compose any song. I don’t know where it comes from all I know is that God loves me and I won’t disappoint Him. There are lots of people who have gone astray, God is still using that song to bring back the lost sheep. It is not about me but about God who sent me. All my lyrics are beyond me and they are coming from God. Anytime I open my mouth, He fills it with His songs,’ he concludes.

I’m pondering on his opinion, …what’s on your mind now?

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