All posts tagged "Prayer"
/ 9 years agoWelcome to a the month of August!
It will be a victorious month for you; the next five months shall be fulfilling for you and your household in...
/ 9 years ago#IPray4u
This week, the winning grace is coming on you and you will be a living testimony in Jesus name! Bishop David...
/ 9 years ago#IPray4u
This week, you will not fail nor falter, you shall succeed; that which you have in heart to do according to...
/ 9 years ago#IPray4u
This week, you are coming out of your prison. Whatever is holding you bound, the chain is broken. I announce your...
/ 9 years ago#IPray4u
This week, your secret tears are turned to testimonies! Your generation shall never beg bread! Whatever looks dry in your life,...
/ 9 years ago#IPray4u
This week, any situation that will make you cry or keep you at a high blood pressure is cancelled now in...
/ 9 years ago#IPray4u
This week, though a thousand fall at your side, though ten thousand are dying around you, these evils will not touch...
/ 9 years ago#IPray4u
1 Samuel 10:3-4 Saul was sent to three men, he did not recognise them, but they recognised him, they greeted him...
/ 9 years ago#IPray4u
I’m telling someone reading this; “No matter what the world economy is doing, you will not lack in Jesus name! Pastor...
/ 9 years ago#IPray4u
This week, you will only be found at the right place, at the right time; you will not be a victim...
/ 9 years ago#IPray4u
This week, I pray for you willing to say Amen; that door that will allow you to do great things for...
/ 9 years ago#IPray4u
This week, everybody that has ganged up against you has an expectation; the Lord will frustrate their expectations, in Jesus name!...
/ 9 years ago#IPray4u
This week, you have stepped into your week of testimonies! Any planting of death in your life is declared uprooted in...
/ 9 years ago#IPray4u
This week, you are lifted up from the earth to operates in the powers of Heaven; you get what you declare...
/ 9 years ago#IPray4u
This week, everything you need for this season of your life, day by day they will begin to show up in...
/ 9 years ago#IPray4u
This week, you will sing a new song and dance a new dance in Jesus mighty name! Bishop S.A.E
/ 9 years ago#IPray4u
This week, I declare all blocked doors in your life to be open and stay opened continually; divine opportunities for sweetness...
/ 9 years ago#HolyWeek: Cleric tasks Christians on prayers for improved economy
A Methodist Church Cleric in Enugu, Rev Charles Nwaegbo, has urged Christians in the country to use the Holy Week which...
/ 9 years ago#IPray4u
This week will be a prosperous week for you. You will receive divine help that will aid the fulfilment of your...
/ 9 years ago#IPray4u
This week, I prophecy, that God is going to use someone you don’t know to bless you in a way you...