[VIDEO & AUDIO] “A Million Tongues” – Omowumi Racheal

US-based-Nigerian music singer, Omowumi Racheal popular as “Omowumi Elewi” shares a brand new song and video titled “A Million Tongues.”

Omowumi, who started singing at the tender age of eight in church and school, pours her heart out in praising and exalting the name of God for his goodness, kindness, and protection throughout the course of the year.

“Even if our hairs are full of tongues, they can never be enough to praise God. Even if we gave all years to praising and thanksgiving, it won’t still be enough. The best we can do is to give God praise in the sincerity of our heart and worship him in spirit and truth.”

“A million tongues is my sincere worship and praise to the Almighty God for he has done for me and my family.” – Omowumi Elewi

Minister Omowumi Racheal is well-known as “Omowumi Elewi” among Nigerian communities in Columbus, Ohio because of her passion for praising God in her native language, Yoruba [a language widely spoken in the southwestern region of Nigeria]. Her exhortation of God during praise and worship sessions, leaves people feeling grateful and blessed, Just like in her work as a Cosmetologist and Fashion Designer based in Columbus, Ohio.

Everything she is involved in makes other feel renewed and rejuvenated; physically through fashion and cosmetology, or spiritually through songs of exhortation to God. To her, singing is equivalent to breathing. Rejoicing in God’s glory is nourishment during tough times. Singing and glorifying God the sovereign father and redeemer, is the purpose of her existence.

Seun Laoye and Niyi Adams produced “A Million Tongues”, while Oluyinka Davids shot and directed the video for iFocus Pictures.

See the video below;



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Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.