Mr. M & Revelation returns with another powerful praise titled “Yahweh”; exuberant praise to God, coming in after the release of a sound that speaks about the possibilities God – “It is Possible”.
“Oke mmuo Eze ukwu (great spirit, great King)
Onye na eme ka isi eme( who does what you do?)
Oluonu mgbe oji elu( the time has come)
Obu Onye no na ogboa( who is here now)
Eze ebube no na ogbo a ( the King of glory is here now)
Gayariba mebe mma, (move around and do good)
Gayariba towa agbu, (move around and set the bound loose)
Yahweh abia go inye nwa (Yahweh has come to give children)
Yahweh abiawo inye udo, (Yahweh has come to give peace)
Yahweh abiago ito agbu (Yahweh has come to lose the bound)” – Lyrics
Instagram: @mystermiracle