Nigeria’s gay pastor, Jide celebrates 50th birthday

Rev. Rowland Jide Macaulay, the gay minister who founded House of Rainbow, Nigeria’s only gay church, which was forced to close in 2008, has expressed his gratitude to God in celebration of his 50th birthday.
“It is unbelievable that this moment has come. I AM 50 YEAR OLD. I am delighted and grateful to the almighty God, who is incomparable, the omnipotent and magnificent God. If I have a thousand tongues it is not enough to express my gratitude. I just want to say THANK YOU GOD.

I also want to say thanks to my parents, who laboured in my upbringing, though my mother is late. I believe she is looking down from heaven with joy and blessings for my future. I am grateful for my dad too, who through all hardship has the forbearance of hope and wisdom of a father.

I want to say thanks to the thousands of people who have befriended me in joyful and difficult circumstances, too numerous to mention here, but I am joyful because of the unavoidable contributions in my life.
Half a century is a gift, everyday will always be a precious bonus.

I say THANK YOU JESUS, MY SAVIOUR AND MY LORD,” he posted on his facebook account.

Macaulay first set up House of Rainbow in 2006, when he openly held Sunday services in a Lagos hotel hall decked out with rainbow flags. A public backlash culminated in members being beaten as they left church. Macaulay fled to the UK after death threats.

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I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.



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