[LYRICS] “Beyond Religion” – Enyo Sam

Oh oh oh oh oh
Yeah yeah yeah

It’s not the prayers I say
But the love I show
Not just kind actions
Or the gifts I give
Not the formalities
Or the things I wear
But living out His love
Showing that I care

I’m after love that lasts
Not more religion
I wanna know You, God
Beyond religion
Not more of gatherings
But the heart that feels
A genuine connection
A love that’s real

Ooh ooh ooh
A Love that’s real
A Love that’s real

It’s not the words I say
But the life I live
Not just kind actions
Or the things I bring
Not the outward appearance
Or the songs I sing
But knowing You deeply
It’s what my heart desires

I’m after love that lasts
Not more religion
I wanna know You, God
Beyond Religion
Not more of gatherings
But the heart that feels
A genuine connection
A love that’s real

Beyond all gatherings
Beyond my appearance
Align my heart
Let it find your truth

Beyond all gatherings
Beyond my appearance
Align my heart
Let it find your truth

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Random Bible verse

A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of.


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