After successfully releasing top chatting singles like Higher, Drink from the River, Have Your Way, and You Alone, the debuts with much anticipated album “Born of God” by Evans drops.
The album is a 15 tracks highly loaded and birthed from a place of prayers. Evans desires that each track leads all to a deeper and intimate relationship with God thereby transforming lives.
Brief about Evans
Evans David Ighodalo popularly known as Evans Ighodalo, is a Nigerian-born singer, songwriter, vocalist, producer and an international artiste who is fast emerging as one of the best from this part of the world.
Evans believes that the only solution to every issue confronting mankind is to hold deeply unto the word of God. He believes the word has potent power to change, transform, heal and bless every life.
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Twitter: Evans Ighodalo
Instagram: evanstheblessed
Facebook: Evans Ighodalo & TrynityRythm
Youtube: Evans Ighodalo