ARTICLE:: My Personal Person – Seraphic Kesh

I knit you together in your mother’s womb
Because you are my personal person

I made you in my image clothed with glory
Because you are my personal person

I predestined you according to my good plans
Because you are my personal person

I forgive your sins
Because you are my personal person

I lavish grace and mercy upon you
Because you are my personal person

I redeemed you through the blood of my only son
Because you are my personal person

I made you praise of my glory
Because you are my personal person

I sealed you with my Holy Spirit
Because you are my personal person

I deliver you from your enemes and all evils
Because you are my personal person

I made myself your refuge & your fortress
Because you are my personal person

I give my angels charge over thee
Because you are my personal person

I watch over you
Because you are my personal person

I first love you
Just because you are my personal person

Don’t you think I deserve your best, my personal person?

  • God
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