DEE-UE DUMBARI also known as Dee Bari has release a new single titled “Hail the King Maker”.
DEEBARI from Kor community in L.G.A of Rivers State, Nigeria. A teacher by profession who is called into the music ministry by God. Over the years he has served as Praise and Worship leader, song writer and Music director.
According to him, “my latest single “Hail the King Maker” was given to me by God, to remind us of our redemptive inheritance in Christ Jesus, who has made us reigning Kings and Priests on earth to dominate in the abundance of His best as we continue to hail Him.
Facebook: Dumbari Blessed Deeue
YouTube channel: @dumbari deeue
Instagram: @dumbarideeue
Twitter account: @deeuedumbari
Phone number: 08063951794