[DOWNLOAD] "Jagun Jagun" – SOMHG Hosanna

SOMHG Hosanna – Jagun Jagun

After his debut single release “Belongs to you“, an amazing song of worship and total dedication to God, followed by his debut album Resign 2 Grace in 2017, which has been a great blessing to many, (available on ITunes), SOMHG Hosanna, (Son of the Most High God), this proficient and uniquely anointed music minister released the music video of “Belongs to you” (available on YouTube).

And NOW, this powerfully anointed song of the season JAGUN JAGUN.
A song that reveals God in His Magnificent Supremacy as your Great Warrior, Defender, Battle Fighter and Protector, The God who is called by the name of what He does.
This is a song that carries so much Power that it will awaken your awareness of God’s great abilities and His constant protection over you, regardless of the fear, death and chaos all around.

JAGUN JAGUN is a song you will listen to over and over again until it sinks deep into your spirit and God just becomes so real to you. Assuredly, you can’t get over this one. A song you will voluntarily share until all ears catches it.

It’s just the song for this moment. Download, listen and share!!!




Facebook: SOMHG Hosanna
Instagram: @hosannasomhg
Twitter: @hosannasomhg
YouTube: SOMHG Hosanna

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Random Bible verse

Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death— even death on a cross!



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