[DOWNLOAD] “The Good Counsellor” – Gbemileke Suyi-Ajayi

The Lord has done wonderful things and it is marvelous in our eyes! The good counsellor by Oluwagbemileke Suyi-Ajayi is a single track  off her forthcoming “I Will Bless The Lord At All Time Album”

This sound is a spirit-filled song  that was born out of a deep fellowship with the Holy Spirit. This song stirs and inspires people all around the world to know what it means to have the Holy Spirit as a comforter, counselor, strengthener  and teacher. The Holy Spirit is indeed our counselor, He teaches us all things and He is our strength when we can not go on.

Oluwagbemileke Suyi Ajayi is a mother, sister, a wife to Dr. Suyi Ajayi and friend to all and as she celebrates her 50th birthday, her golden Jubilee celebration she will be releasing this single for free download and the hard copy of the full album will be available on the event location

I tell you, this is a must-have for every home if you want to experience rich fellowship, communion and Koinonia with the Holy Spirit. This song  should be top on your list. As she marks her 50th birthday and her 25th year wedding anniversary, she would like this album to serve as a reminder to all the listeners around the world that the Lord is gracious and very kind and He didn’t leave us helpless. He didn’t leave us without a comforter. He left us the Holy Spirit who is our good counselor. He teaches us all things in spirit and in truth.

Oluwagbemileke Suyi-Ajayi has taken a giant leap and a bold step of faith in making this Album, The Good Counsellor available to Christians and even non-Christians.

It is available for download across all platforms. Don’t be told the story, be the first partaker of this Grace!

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For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever you want.


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