LYRICS:: Always Pray For You – Nosa

I go [will] always pray for you, I go always pray for you
Make the Grace of Jesus see you through
I go always pray for you

As all of us dey[we] go our separate ways
Na good tory we go dey [It will be good stories we’ll]tell when we see again
Of how God don bless [blessed]me and bless you too
I go always pray for you

And even if I far from you
You go always be in my heart this na [is] true
I just wan let you know say, whatever I do
I go always pray for you

We go surely meet again, And when we meet again
None of us go dey [will be] in chain
But na from glory to glory in Jesus name
We go surely meet again

If I offend you before forgive me
So that when we see again, You no go get BB [bad belle] for me
We all need each other to see life through
So I go always pray for you


Say make the grace of God, make e no commot [?] Make him peace never cease
To call upon you, whatever you do
And in love to see you through ah ah
I just wan let you know say whatever i do
I go surely pray for you


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