[LYRICS] 'Follow You' – Da Voice

[VERSE 1] Those who follow you are overcomers
Those who follow you are more than conqueror
Those who follow are victorious
And those who follow you will reign in life

[CHORUS] I will follow you my Lord
I will follow you
I will follow you till the end the end of time
Take this gospel everywhere
All over the world
It’s Jesus I will follow
It’s Jesus I will follow

[VERSE 2] And those who follow you can never be defeated
Like a city set on the hill
They can’t be hidden
They are shinning light
They rule the world
And they are winners all the time
I will follow you my Lord till the end

[CHORUS] I will follow you my Lord
I will follow you
I will follow you till the end
The end of time
Take this gospel everywhere
All over the world
It’s Jesus I will follow
It’s Jesus I will follow

[BRIDGE] I’m glad I’m in this chariot
In this chariot
In this chariot
And I’m not going back

[BACK TO CHORUS] I will follow you my Lord
I will follow you
I will follow you till the end
The end of time
Take this gospel everywhere
All over the world
It’s Jesus I will follow
It’s Jesus I will follow /2x


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