Security guard prevents mass casualty from church explosion in Jos


A massive explosion was averted on Sunday in a church in Jos when a vigilant security guard discovered an explosive just before it could have gone off and put hundreds at risk.

A security guard on Sunday averted what would have been a high casualty from a bomb planted at a church in Plateau State.

The incident which occurred at ECWA church in Tudunwa, Angwan yashi, near the Federal Secretariat in Jos did not have any casualty, thanks to the bravery of the guard who was said to have picked the bomb and thrown it far off from the church premises.
Although the guard sustained injuries on the leg and was rushed to the hospital, the police confirmed that nobody had been killed in the Sunday attack.
A witness present reports that upon arrival, police anti-bomb unit discovered one more bomb planted in the restroom of the church.
Plateau police spokesman Abuh Emmanuel was quoted as saying, “Experts have been sent there immediately to ascertain those who planted the explosion, and possibly, the manufacturers of the device. But I was told no one died in the incident.”
The tragedy comes shortly after the July 5 twin explosion in Jos, which claimed dozens of lives.
A week ago a church on the outskirts on Potiskum, Yobe state, was attacked.
Condemning the renewed attacks by insurgents on places of worship, the presidency said, “Nigerians are a very religious people and President Buhari believes that the terrorists who wantonly attack our places of worship have willfully declared war on all that we value, and must therefore be confronted with all our might and collective resolve.”

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