SERMON:: LIving or existing

Your life is worth much more than the characteristics of living things. These characteristics only show that you are existing.

Gen 2:7  And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

The breath of God in man is the breath of life that activates the hidden treasures and potential in man making man a living soul. When you only exist you die with the greatness in you but when you live you die a fulfilled person.

Do not be deceived your life is worth more than treasures of the earth or why do you think a whole king of glory will die for you if you are just an existing being but how can you discover these hidden treasures and greatness in you?

No one can tell the treasures you have, hidden in you not even the devil except He, God who has made you and said everything He made was very good. God alone has formed you, destined you for greatness and planned your life according to his purpose that you will be praise of His glorious grace. Outside God, you cannot discover your reason for living, you will only exist and die unfulfilled.
When it looks like your greatness has been tampered with by sins, Jesus Christ has already rescued you through the works of salvation. Accept this great work, believe in Jesus and hold on to God.

Your life is worth more than existing start living the life God planned for you, release yourself unto God today!
Jesus loves you, God loves you.

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