[VIDEO & AUDIO] “Ka Anyi Tuba Aja” – MR M & Revelation

The divine blessings in the life of the leader of our group, Mr. M & Revelation, Mr. Miracle (popularly known as Mr. M), are beyond words. Today signifies a significant milestone in his journey, and it coincides with the release of a captivating contemporary melody, “Ka Anyi Tuba Aja”.

This song beautifully portrays a heart overflowing with thankfulness, offering a sacrifice of praise. If you’ve experienced remarkable divine assistance, it’s time to put on your dancing shoes and join us in “ka anyi tuba aja.”

Memorable Lyrics: “Since you never weary in my affairs, I will never tire of praising you.”

See the video below;




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Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.



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