WORSHIP:: Olorun T’o Da Awon Oke Igbani

Olorun t’o da awon Oke Igbani
Eyin ni mo fo Ope me fun
Olorun t’o da awon Oke Igbani
Eyin ni mo fo Ope me fun
T’ani N’wo tun gbe ga o
Bi Ko se Baba l’oke
Tani N’wo tun fi gbogbo Ope mi fun
Olorun t’o da awon Oke Igbani
Eyin ni mo fo Ope me fun
My God who created the ancient Hills
I give all my praises to you
My God who created the ancient Hills
I give all my praises to you
Who else will i exalt if not you O God
Who else will i give my praises to…
My God who created the ancient Hills
I give all my praises to you..

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Walk in obedience to all that the LORD your God has commanded you, so that you may live and prosper and prolong your days in the land that you will possess.



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