[DOWNLOAD] "While I'm Waiting" – JT Bakare

While I'm Waiting - JT Bakare

Everyone of us is waiting on God for something. But God is waiting on us more than we are, on him. This is because, True Waiters have no option than to wait on God, so its not spectacular to wait since its the only option. It’s the attitude while waiting that Helps us maximise the Power and Purpose of the Process. The Right Attitude is the part God is waiting on us to do.

“While I’m waiting” is the debut single from Pst. Jt Bakare, Lead Pastor, JAWOM Gathering of Kings Metro Church, Abuja and produced by the sensational Deji.
It is a song of strength inspired by a trying time and will bring encouragement and the comfort of the Spirit to people waiting on God for a miracle.

Let this song lead you on a journey on what to do in Life’s Hallway – between the last miracle and the coming one. Please expect instant miracles after listening repeatedly, getting this sound into your spirit and practising what it says.

Enjoy the Listen.




Twitter: @switpsalmist
Instagram: @jtbakare

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Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.



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