[LYRICS] Lord You Are Holy – Tracy Tolota

Lord You are holy, you are God, you are God almighty, all the angels and the elders they bow before you

Lord you are God almighty
Lord You are holy, you are God,you are God almighty, all the angels and the elders they bow before you
Lord you are God almighty 2x
Lord You are mighty Lord you are mighty
You are God, you are God almighty, all the angels and the elders they bow before you
Lord you are God almighty,
Lord you are faithful you are God, you are God almighty all the angels and the elder they bow before you Lord,
You are God almighty (repeat)
All the angels bow to you Lord singing holy are you Lord, you are God almighty
All the angels bow to you Lord singing holy are you Lord the One who was and is to come
Lord you are able you are God, you are God almighty, all the angels and the elders they bow before you LORD,
You are God almighty, lord you are righteous you are God, you are God almighty, all the angels and the elders they bow before you LORD you are God almighty

You are holy Lord
You are holy Lord
You are holy Lord

The sound was heard, the surroundings stood still while the whole earth quaked… On the throne of Jasper sits the controller of the whole universe… There the whole Angels, the four living creatures, the twenty fours elders, the cherubim enjoined with all the host of heaven saying, “Lord You Are Holy!” “Lord You Are Holy!”. The pride of His saints and the majesty of the kingdom. Truly, the maker of the whole world is Holy.

Click to download ‘Lord You Are Holy’ by Tracy Tolota

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Random Bible verse

Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care. And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.


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