INTERVIEW with Mike Aremu And Funke Umosen LIVE from ‘Seeking His Presence’ Concert, Maryland, USA

INTERVIEW with Mike Aremu And Funke Umosen LIVE from ‘Seeking His Presence’ Concert, Maryland,  Praiseworld Radio correspondent Priscilla Reporting live From Maryland DC-USA @ the “Seeking His Presence Concert” hosted by organized by Mercy-Seat Chapel parish of RCCG, Maryland.
I have Mike Aremu and Folake Umosen here via Tobikeys Productions (who will be featured here soon) as well as Don Moen who I’m hoping to have a word with before the end of the Program. So if you are here in Maryland USA, you don’t wanna miss this!
Mike Aremu
This is my first time at the concert and I am so expectant.
Online gospel radio stations like Praiseworld Radio is that we are to use every means to reach the world for Christ. Jesus said ‘we should go into the world and preach the gospel.’ Back then, they lacked the technology available to us today.
We need to put the technology we have available to us to good use by using it to fulfill the Great Commission of Christ.
In Nigeria where I come from, many stations can’t play gospel music except on Sundays so the online gospel radio station is a great concept.
As regards new material from Mike Aremu, I am actually presently promoting my latest Album called ‘ Coat of Many Colours’. Available at all certified online music stores such as amazon, iTunes, cdbay etc. You will be richly blessed by the music in this album.
It’s all about giving all the glory back to God. I am also inspired by various experiences of life, both the good and the bad. Because I know that all things work together for my good, I can create inspiring music from my life experiences. I am also inspired when i see the work of God’s hand revealed in nature.
-Make God the focus and the reason for what you do.
-Don’t be primarily focused on the rewards.
-Make sure you are Called by God.
-Don’t be lazy because you are doing gospel music.
-Aim for the highest quality in your music and set the standard for the word. Don’t be a copycat! Be original.
Do keep praying for me and other gospel artists carrying out the work of the ministry because we always need your prayers.
Funke Umosen
This is my second time ministering in The Seeking His Presence Concert organized by Mercy-Seat Chapel parish of RCCG, Maryland. I was here last year, April 2013.
The concept of online gospel radio stations such as Praiseworld radio is a VERY VERY good concept as an avenue to reach lost souls for God. It ensures a speedy and wider spread of the gospel through music. We should ensure more of such stations for God’s work.
Yes I am working on a new music and my fans can expect to hear a new album very soon. Presently I am at the end of a highly successful musical tour of the US which spanned a full month and covered about 6 major cities of the US including Atlanta, Los Angeles, San Diego, etc.
This tour was put together by Tobikeyz Productions and we witnessed a mighty move of God during this period. God has given me a passion for leading the people into His presence via the medium of great praise and worship and I believe through this tour and many more to come in different parts of the world, we will continue to minister His will to the people.
My musical creativity comes from praising and worshipping God, listening to anointed men of God as well as reading. I also endeavor to remain joyful and thankful in all situations as in His presence, inspiration always flows. 1Thess 5:18 & Isaiah 12:3.
– Have a heart for God.
– Fear God because the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.
– Waiting patiently on God is paramount because it is only when you hear from God that the world will listen to your music.
-Not to be fearful. Fear almost drove me back at the beginning of my music career but with boldness and faith in God, you will receive help from God.
Stay tuned.

  • @PricillaPWR @Praiseworldradio_


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Random Bible verse

Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke them. Then he gave them to the disciples to distribute to the people. They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over.