Internationally renowned motivational speaker, Myles Munroe, wife die in plane crash


Dr. Myles Munroe

A small plane crashed Sunday afternoon in the Bahamas (midnight in Nigeria), killing internationally known minister and motivational speaker Myles Munroe, his wife and several other people, Munroe’s ministry said Sunday night. The Bahamian aviation ministry confirmed that there were “some fatalities” among the nine people on board.
Dave Burrows, head of youth ministries for Munroe’s non-denominational Bahamas Faith Ministries International, said at a hastily convened news conference Sunday night that Munroe’s wife, Ruth — also a widely known figure in international evangelical circles — and the ministry’s senior vice president and pastor, Richard Pinder, were among those killed in the crash.

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But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.