A wedding on Sunday can save you money and time


Ever wonder why prospective couples often worry about the rising cost of wedding ceremonies today? It’s a shared responsibility between the wedding industry facades and the desires of the lovebirds to fulfil their age long dream. Then the culture and norms associated with our weddings, creating certain assumptions that have trailed our Saturday wedding tradition while the choice venues laugh to the bank. Staging your wedding on a day other than Saturday is a great way to spend less, while still having the wedding you want. Considering the fact that most traditional marriage ceremonies are staged on Thursdays and Fridays, Sunday remains the only day if you truly want to get value for money and spend less too.

Must be flexible

You must be flexible and ready to plan a Sunday wedding without sentiments as long as you have the support of your family and your spouse. The chances of finding a choice venue for your wedding at a good discount on a Sunday is more than certain especially if you are planning a wedding at short notice.

You must also be flexible with the officiating due to the day and time you want your wedding ceremony to start. If you want a clergy to conduct the service, you will need to be aware of their schedule, especially if he or she is a congregational minister. The other option would be to have a justice of peace or a notary to solemnise your marriage.

Vendors available

Most wedding vendors work on Saturday and an opportunity to take up a job on Sunday is usually open for positive consideration by vendors. You can also strike a good deal with a good vendor if no other bride is talking to them; take a stand on your budget. You are also more likely to get better service because you’ll have undivided attention on a less busy day.

Stress-free and early exit

Your Sunday wedding will be less stressful because you will have the capacity to control your guests and those who are not close to you are not likely to attend, considering your choice of day. If you really want a memorable wedding with people who truly matter, inviting them to your wedding on a Sunday will test their love and sincere commitment towards your big day as long as you plan well.

Aim to kick-start the wedding at an appropriate time and consider those guests who may want to attend the morning worships on a Sunday. An afternoon wedding ceremony will guarantee a good and early turnout of your guests and an early exit so that you and your spouse can go off and have a restful night too.


Staging your wedding on a Sunday wouldn’t work for everyone one but be rest assured that those who truly love you would always find a way to make it work on one of the most beautiful days of your life.

There are only three important people on that day and that is you, your spouse and the officiating minister. The day is about you as a couple and pledging your love and commitment to each other.

A wedding is a wedding any day of the week and Sunday is not an exception.

Copyright PUNCH

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