Few months ago, I wrote an article sharing a few steps on how to become popular in your city in six months. Today, I will reveal a deep secret; which is actually a billion dollar information. Effectively carrying out this single step equals being the most talked about artiste in your city.
Being famous in your little city could be all you need to get that record deal and/or that multinational endorsement. Some time ago, on attending a music business seminar as one of the speakers; I shared an exciting parable with my audience.
This parable will help broaden your thoughts and give you a better insight into the one step you need to capture your city as an artiste. I told my audience that despite the number of keys in a bunch of keys, you’ll only need ONE KEY to open a padlock. All you need to push and capture your city is one key; the right step.
What I’m about to share with you is all you need to excel in your city. Here is that key step you need to capture your city as an artist.
Most upcoming artists believe that promotion of their contents can only be effective through entertainment blogs and websites; while some artistes try to get their songs on blogs with high amount of traffic, others just dump it on struggling blogs with the least amount of traffic and call it promotion.
Music promotion is far beyond putting up your songs on blogs, social media platforms, digital and streaming platforms, and so on. It is more of a tactical approach, targeting the right audience to hear and appreciate your sound.
There are several steps to capture your city as an artist, but the one step that could blow up your career is the understanding that music is meant for the ears. Thus, your promotions should be mostly targeted towards avenues that could enable many ears to listen to your sound. Radio promotion is the key step you need to capture your city as an artist. Dumping your music on blogs as an up and coming artist who has not yet sold his/her brand is a blind step to take. People only download, stream or buy songs they have either listened to either from friends, radio or songs from already established artistes.
Thus, as an upcoming artiste who is yet to sell his/her brand to the music scene in your city; radio promotion is the best shot to achieve that faster. This doesn’t mean you should neglect blogs, social media, email, and other kinds of promotions; but it means 90% of your resources on promotion should be on getting your songs to platforms that will get people to listen to your content.
Facts With Kulgee was written by DAT KULGEE, a music business consultant, talent manager, song composer and a record label A&R.
Twitter | Instagram | Facebook: @iam_kulgee
Whatsapp: +2348023451654
This article represents only the opinion of the writer.