[AUDIO] “Throne of God” – Quineta Michael

Quineta Michael, an inspiring and talented gospel music minister and songwriter, presents a captivating single titled “Throne of God.”

This song serves as a worshipper’s cry, echoing Christ’s call for His Bride to worship God in Spirit and truth, emphasizing the importance of truly knowing the One we worship.

Quineta shares, “As citizens of Zion, we have the privilege to boldly approach the throne of God’s majesty, encountering His divine presence.”

“This single resonates with the call to all who have experienced the witness of the Spirit, affirming that the throne of God is not merely a concept but a sacred space where we encounter the Divine King,” she adds.

Drawing inspiration from the book of Revelation 4, Quineta highlights how beholding God’s presence leads to transformation and empowerment, enabling believers to advance His Kingdom on earth.

Quineta emphasizes that abiding in Christ’s presence is made possible by the Spirit of God, inviting listeners to experience the splendor of His presence through her music.

The song “Throne of God” is now available on all major digital platforms worldwide.



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Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.