Catholic Church to ordain married men as priests – Pope Francis

Pope Francis has revealed that the Catholic Church may reconsider its position on not allowing older married men become ordained as priests.

Pope Francis told German weekly Die Ziet yesterday that the church may consider ordaining married men who could work in remote areas faced with a shortage of priests.

<i-“We must think about whether viri probati are a possibility,” Francis said referring to older, married men who are already involved in church business.

“Then we have to decide what tasks they can take on, for example in remote communities.”

Many in the church think that in addition to priests who take a vow of celibacy, older, married men with a long commitment to the church could also be considered.

Recall that Pope Francis said in May 2014 that “there are married priests in the Church.”

However, Francis said allowing priests in training to choose whether or not to be celibate was “not the solution.”

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