Clerics contribute to Nigeria’s problems – Prophet Olagunju

Prophet Moses Olagunju is the founder of the Christ Apostolic Church, Power of God Saves (CCOPEM). In this interview with SEYI SOKOYA, the cleric  speaks on state of the nation. Excerpts: 

Your ministry recently held minister’s conference, what was the outcome and your message to the ministers of God?

One of the reasons I called on ministers of God is to remind them of the primary assignment God has sent us, because a lot of ministers of God have turned the ministry into politics with truth gradually fading away.  We are the salt of any nation. Jesus Christ also confirmed  we are the salt of the world; after God, ministers of God are the next, but many of us have moved away from their rightful place. I have discovered that many people have deviated from wining souls to raising funds. I don’t think any servant of God needs to be in a haste or impatient, because if we do the will of God and follow His commandments we will become whatever we desire.

Ministers of God also contribute to the problems of Nigeria, because we encourage those who are spoiling the nation. We no longer condemn or caution people from their evil acts. We laugh with them and lay hands on them for more open doors. This has denied them to realise that they are following the wrong path. The bible says ‘Let’s tell the evil that it shall not be well with him…’ But some ministers of God don’t even have the full knowledge of the principles of a real man of God; we are sent to condemn, teach, guide and advice, but many  tends to focus on how they will become wealthy  when we have more than enough as a nation. Nigeria is a wealthy country; it is not a country that we have to be preaching about wealth or prosperity, even outside the church. But the nation is filled with hearts of selfishness, grid and evil. This is why I called on ministers of God in other our check ourselves and re-discover our calling. We need to know and nurture whoever we pray for. We are really affecting the nation negatively by praying and fasting for sinners who beckon on us, because they know that we have authority in our mouth.
Are you saying it is not right for pastors to pray on prayer requests?

I am not condemning it, but we need to be sure of what we are praying for or against. This also cut across to testimonies we make in churches. We hardly have genuine testimonies which are not accepted before God. People now flaunt their wealth and affluence claiming that God did it, meanwhile, they got it in ungodly way. I am confident that not all testimony is accepted before God. Some people now even use testimonies to spite the congregation. Some pastors even on the pulpit flaunt their assets and place terrifying value on them when there are many poor people. All these must corrected and this is the time we all need to love one another as an entity.
You just returned from the mountain since the beginning of the year, what prompted this?

It has been in my routine since I started this ministry. I always seek the face of God with some interested men and women of God in prayers and fasting. The motive is to hand over the journey of  year 2016 into the hands of God and also ask or His directive. God ordained me to go to the mountain and I listened, because He is the only way, the truth and life. This is why I have never regretted  staying in His presence throughout this period and I know He will renew my strength and reward me accordingly.
As an authority in the CAC, what is your take on the crisis that resurfaced in the church’s leadership?

The secret is that CAC cannot die; it will still stand no matter the problem or challenge persist, because it is built on a solid rock. There is no crisis in CAC; what we have is misunderstanding. It is true the went to court, but I am confident that is for the positive change of the church. I trust God that CAC will experience a new dawn in no time.  I want to urge Church as a body to trace the root of the church and follow it’s rules and guide lines. We must amend our ways and re-discover the foundation of the church which is based on prophecy.
What has God revealed to you about Nigeria?

The major thing God wants from every human is for us to abstain from sins and also stand in His presence regardless of how tough the situation may be. God has warned us not to be dejected with the unfulfilled promises of the present government at all levels, because they cannot fulfil all. This is because the corrupt elements have mixed with them. We have to exercise patience with them to make things happen positively. We will experience more hardship and our economy will encounter a serious checkup. But I saw a light after the tunnel. This is a sign that we are currently at the testing times and above all our country will be a better place to live. Also, cheats in politics will be a thing of the past. Inasmuch as God will stay by the President Buhari in his tenure in office.
Your words for Nigerians.

I want to urge Nigerians to have something doing, especially to engage in lawful business that will make them comfortable in life. We should always believe in God, because the government cannot feed the country at once. It is only God that can do all things; nobody should wait for the government to make things happen, because they are yet to find solution to their problems. My advice to all Nigerians is that we should all be prepared, truthful and love one another as well as be interested in the growth of this country. We should always proclaim that this country will be better. We should all changed our orientation and cultivate the habit to always speak good things about this country for it move forward.

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Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for him; do not fret when people succeed in their ways, when they carry out their wicked schemes.