Cobhams Asuquo Declares Interest in Becoming a Politician

While speaking after the maiden Quantum Awards Ceremony on Friday, where he was conferred with an award, renowned visually impaired songwriter and producer, Cobhams Asuquo, gave a hint that he may delve into politics in the not too distant future.

The multi-talented singer who was awarded for his dedication to excellence at the prestigious Civic Centre, Victoria Island in Lagos, said that he intended to pursue other passion in his life of which politics is one.

Cobhams said that apart from his current calling as a musician, he would also focus on other ventures that would be worth his while. “There are other things I want to do which is government and politics or real estate. Hopefully, I will be a politician one day.

“I want to join politics because I feel that people of integrity needs to step into the political arena and occupy the position of leadership and help to make intelligent decision.

“We need to move this country forward and to do that successfully, we need men of honour to steer the political ship of the country. We cannot afford to be laid back and watch things deteriorating without rising to the challenge,” he said.


Asuquo said that he was well aware that music made him to be what he is today and that he had reaped bountifully from the proceeds. “I am happy that music is working for me and also opening doors for me.

“I don’t have any favourite in my multi-tasking activities, I only express myself in various forms and I enjoy doing that.

“Either I write music or being a producer or director, I have only one goal and that is good music. I just release an album now which I want everybody to enjoy.

“I am also excited about my marriage, it teaches me a lot of things like love, goodness and patience,’’ he said.

The Quantum Awards was organised under the auspices Verdant Zeal.

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