[DOWNLOAD] “Occupy Till I Come” – Bukola Olubona

The popular Nigerian female gospel singer and songwriter – Bukola Olubona releases a brand new single, titled “Occupy Till I Come”.

“Christ will return and His return should motivate us to work hard and give sacrificially for the work of God. In the parable of the ten minas in Luke 19; Jesus instruct that we are to remain occupied; working for the kingdom of God until His return.

My question is, “are we ready for his return?”. Be ready for the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.” – Bukola Olubona


Bukola Olubona is a believer of true worship, she simplifies her life mission and goal in worshipping God and influencing several others to do the same. She has played host to many radio and television programmes with many awards.

She has written several songs one of which is the popular song “Oyigi yigi”, the convener of the powerful worship programme – Reason for living. Bukola is the initiator and co-organizer of 365 hours of non-stop praise programme Hallelujah in Abuja, Nigeria.

Instagram @Bukola_Olubona
Twitter @Bukolaolubona

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Words from the mouth of the wise are gracious, but fools are consumed by their own lips.