The entire assembly of Christian Pentecostal Mission International (CPM) under the leadership of its anointed general overseer, Rev. Dr. Mercy Ezekiel invites everyone to her annual Back To Bible International Conference themed ‘Glorious Divine Nature’.
This year’s edition is classic as the master show of God’s divine presence with a heaven-on-earth mandate is guaranteed as heavy & specially anointing ministers such as the general overseer of Christian Pentecostal Mission, Rev. Dr Mercy Ezekiel, Pastor Jerry Eze of Streams of Joy International & Convener of NSPPD, Pastor Yemi Davids of Global Impact Ministries, Rev. Kayode Oyegoke of the Eternal Glorious Fountain Ministry, Rev Samuel Olubiyo of Triumphant Christian Centre and a host of other anointed ministers will all arrive for a prophetic, declarative, word impartation and teaching experience.
The event is deemed to bless lives, offering Christ redemption to the unsaved, bringing Christ liberation to every prey in captivity and pronouncing an all-round victory to everyone who believes that Jesus Christ is Lord.
See the event montage below;
DATE: March 19th – 21st, 2025
VENUE: Christian Pentecostal Mission Int’l Headquarters; 10/12 Lateef Salami Street, off Muritala Muhammed Int’l Airport Road, Ajoe Estate, Lagos.
TIME: Morning Session – 9 am
Evening Session – 6 pm
Come & be blessed! Jesus Christ is Lord!
Facebook: @RevMercyEzekiel | @CpmGlobalHeadquarters
Instagram: @RevMercyEzekiel | @CpmGlobalHQ
YouTube: @CpmGlobalTV