[LYRICS] 'Deserved' – Ejiro Melkam

[VERSE 1] We get things all wrong
We turn our backs on Your holy word
We think we are right
And we fall as prey to our own mistakes
But Your amazing grace
Unfailing love
You took the shame, all for my gain
Your amazing grace
Unfailing love
My past doesn’t matter, You paid it all

[CHORUS] You didn’t give me what I deserved
But instead You show me love
You didn’t give me what I deserved
But instead You show me grace
You didn’t give me what I deserved
But in stead You show me peace
You didn’t give me what I deserved
And yet You kept me through it all
Through it all
You kept me Lord
Through it all
You kept me Lord

[VERSE 2] I shook hands with pain
And darkness and chains
Were all that I knew
Felt bounds in my ways
But Your grace and Your mercy gave second chance
But Your amazing grace
Unfailing love
You took the shame, all for my gain
Your amazing grace
Unfailing love
My past doesn’t matter, You paid it all

[CHORUS Repeat Twice]

Ohhh x3
Through it all

[BRIDGE] You are sustainer
You are deliverer
You are my healer
Through it all
What I deserved x6
You paid it all


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Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.


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