[LYRICS] 'God of the Nations' – Samsong – Ft. Eben


I have tasted and seen

That you are the great and mighty God no one like You, no one like You

I have tasted and seen all power belong to you No one like you no one like You


I have tasted and seen that you are the God that answer prayers no one like you no one like you

I have tasted and seen that you are God all by yourself no one like no one like you


You are God of the nations, no one like You

You are the only one like You

You are God now and forever, no one like You

You are the only one like You

You are God of the nations, no one like you

You are the only one like


I have tasted and seen

Call: You are Glorious

Response: Glorious

You are the only one like You

The only one like You

Call: You are faithful

Response: Faithful

You are the only one like You

The only one like You

Call: You are Mighty

Response: Mighty

You are the only one like You

The only one like You



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