You bled and died on the cross of Calvary
You were wounded and beaten for my sake
They put a crown of thorns and forced it on your head
From the grave, you rose just to give me victory
The stone is rolled, rolled away
The tomb is empty for my sake
I’m no longer held bound, held bound
Held bound to sin
Hallelujah, I’m free indeed
He has rescued me
From the chains of the devil
He purchased my freedom by his blood
He forgave my sins
I’m made anew him
Hallelujah, I’m free indeed
You took my sins on the cross of Calvary
My pang of shame you bore them on your face
The victory from hell
My life sealed in you eternally
For who you have set free, is truly free indeed
The stone is rolled, rolled away
The tomb is empty for my sake
I’m no longer bound, no longer bound to sin
Oooo Hallelujah I’m free indeed
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah
I’m free indeed
Ad-lip: Hallelujah
Back-up: Hallelujah
Ad-lip: Hallelujah
Back-up: Hallelujah
Ad-lip: I’m free!
Back-up: Hallelujah, I’m free indeed
Ad-lip: Who the son of man has set free
Back-up: Hallelujah
Ad-lip: He is free indeed forever
Back-up: Hallelujah
Ad-lip: You are free, you are set free
Back-up: Hallelujah, I’m free indeed
Ad-lip: You are no longer held bound by the chains of the devil, hallelujah!
Back-up: Hallelujah
Ad-lip: All my sins you wash away
Back-up: Hallelujah
Ad-lip: I’m so grateful Jesus
Back-up: Hallelujah
Ad-lip: Hallelujah, eh eh eh eh eh
Duet: You break the chains oh
Back-up: Hallelujah
Duet: You paid my depth oh
Back-up: Hallelujah
Soloist 1: I’m forever free indeed
Soloist 2: You bought my redemption, I’m free!
Back up: Hallelujah, I’m free indeed
Uh oh (speaking tongues)
You purchased my freedom by his blood
You forgave my sins
I’m made a-new in him
Hallelujah, I’m free indeed