Recently Pope Francis has been speaking up on some matters that is consider as “Important Policies”. Often speaking in his native Spanish, Francis has focused on issues close to his heart — the plight of the poor and unemployed, the environment and even evolution, seemingly emboldened to speak his mind on topics that must make even some of his closest collaborators squirm.
Some of the Important policies include “WHITHERING THE THEOLOGIANS. He has frequently spoken with near-disdain about theologians, seemingly complaining that they often hold the church back from being the merciful place of welcome and union that he wants it to be. And so it was when he greeted a group of Pentecostal Anglicans in private who were visiting him.
Once again Francis invoked the devil, saying Satan was behind the divisions among Christians. But he urged Catholics and Pentecostals to “walk together,” doing works of charity together and praying for each other. “We each have in our churches excellent theologians. That’s another way to talk together also. But we shouldn’t wait for them to reach agreement!” he said. As if to emphasize his point, he added, “That’s what I think.”