President Goodluck at the "Experience"

President Goodluck Jonathan has urged Nigerians to put aside all religious differences and strive to build one great and united nation.
Jonathan made the appeal at the 7th edition of “The Experience”, a gospel musical show held at the Tafawa Balewa Square (TBS), Lagos on Friday night.
“There’s nothing we cannot accomplish as a nation as long as we can put aside our religious differences. The road ahead demands great sacrifices but there is no shortcut to greatness,” he said.
He said though 2012 had been a very challenging year for the country, it was a testament to the indomitable spirit of the people they could still gather to thank God.
The president, who spoke via a recorded video message projected to a big screen at the venue, said: “This is an evidence that the Nigeria we dream of can be achieved.”
He thanked Nigerians for praying for the country and said: “As long as there are committed Nigerians praying for our leaders, there shall be success.”

Posted from NaijaGospel

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