Synagogue: Church ‘silent’ on Zuma’s claim, death toll now 80

Despite claims by South African President, Zacob Zuma, that 67 of his nationals died in the Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN) disaster, the church has remained silent on the number of people affected in the incident or their identities.
Zuma had on alleged that 67 South Africans died in the mishap, while several others sustained injuries.
His disclosure came at a time when the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) and the Lagos State Emergency Management Agency (LASEMA) had pegged the bodies recovered at 63, with speculation of more bodies in the debris.
At the time of filing this report (4.50pm), the death toll has risen to 80, including three non-Africans.
Government agencies have distanced themselves from Zuma’s claims, stating that the figures released by the agencies were true representation of operational findings.
They denied knowing where and how Zu‎ma came about his figures, insisting that they were not aware of the identities of victims or survivors.
Rather than set the record straight on the claims by South Africa, the church on Wednesday went round the various hospitals where survivors are being treated in search of South Africans.
During visit to some of the hospitals, The Nation observed that church members were offsetting the bills of their patients, while South African nationals were being discharged and taken away by the church.
The Nation gathered that the church’s move was geared towards preparing the South Africans for their return home as well as finds ways to respond to Zuma’s claim.
Source: The Nations

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