TB Joshua Reveals the Whereabout of Missing Malaysia Plane

On Sunday 9th 2014 in the morning, T.B. Joshua said this concerning the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370:
“The plane concerned is deep inside the sea. Some of the particles will be seen on the surface of the sea any moment from now. May their souls rest in peace.

We pray the Lord gives the family and loved ones the strength to bear the loss. Our prayer and love are always with them, the nation of Malaysia and other countries who had passengers on this flight.”

However, US Counter-terrorism officials now suspect that the plane flew for a total of five hours based on data automatically downloaded and sent back to Rolls Royce – the manufacturers of the Boeing 777′s engines.

They are now pursuing the astonishing possibility that the plane and its 239 passengers was diverted to an undisclosed location ‘with the intention of using it later of another purpose. The pilot or somebody else turned the planes’ transponders off to avoid detection and flew it to another location Also, Malaysia Witchcraft doctor said the plane is either in the air or sea.

Mystery yet to be uncovered!

<p class=”post-sig”>Posted from Naija Gospel

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The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven.