Jim Iyke’s deliverance at Synagouge Church of all Nations actually raised a lot controversies which is yet to be laid to rest. It had attracted reactions from so many people especially celebrities who maintained that his deliverance was scripted and that the man of God is fake. There is no need trying to meddle with their formed opinions but the question I have often ask is, what T.B Joshua would gain by having that kind of arrangement with Jim Iyke.
Is it publicity?
For Jim Iyke or for himself?
These two individuals have already established themselves in their different careers and have their names already engraved on the minds of so many individuals who look upon them as their role models. You will even be so amazed to find out that T.B Joshua does not know who Jim Iyke is because he hardly watches home video.
In the mist of all these hullabaloo, Jim Iyke took to twitter today to declare his position on the question of the man of God’s genuineness.
Below was what he tweeted…
“Prophet T.B Joshua;
Real or fake is not in my place to judge nor yours. My Testimony is d clarity of vision and mission I have now. I’m focus in God and not man”
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