[DOWNLOAD] Worthy To Be Praised – Stella Oseha

Stella Oseha is a Nigerian prolific gospel singer and song writer, with a new track, ‘Worthy To Be Praised’ which is yet another powerful song from her bowels of constraint worship dedicated to the work of God in proclaiming His mighty acts of His kindness and love to mankind.

When we look from our different perspective, we will ponder the mighty wonders of this great God; He who created the world out of nothing, the owner of our breathes, dispensed at every mini seconds, seconds minute and so on, the deliverer of our souls from death even at our own ignorance. In fact this God is the only being Worthy Of All Praise.

Get this wonderful piece of worship extraordinaire now!


Stella Irede Egbowawa also known as Stella Oseha, a graduate of computer science from the University of Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria and a master degree holder in computer science from University of Lagos, Lagos Nigeria developed strong flare for music at a tender age of 7years, which lead to her joining the choir in her local church and birthing the composition of several songs used in choir ministrations way back then.

Though, while she was in school and in secular work, she has maintained that priceless relationship with the Holy Spirit, and has continued to document most of the songs received at those precious moments until she got the conviction to bless the world with her ministrations.

So just be ready for the boom soon from her future.

Twitter: @Osehstellasings
Instagram: @Osehastellasings
Management Contact: +2349051144899

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But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.