[DOWNLOAD] 'Jiji Moji' – Mike Wealth

Jiji Moji - Mike WealthAleti Michael popularly known as Mike Wealth after his last released single ‘Awimayehun’ still making waves, has come another soul single titled ‘Jiji Moji’.

‘Jiji Moji’ is an early morning prayer which means waking up early in the morning. Relating to the meaning, every prayer in the morning comes with fresh mercy and grace, blessing and glory, the dew is new to the leaves, the birds of the air are refreshed, strength is given to the wings of the wind, even words travels in silence.

David said he will seek God early in the morning; “This song came due to the circumstance I found myself. Sometime ago when things seem not to work the way I expect, left alone by everyone, always alone with my thought; the lyrics of this song encouraged and inspired me.

I’m blessed to have this song in my music diary, you should include it among your playlist too.” – Mike Wealth




Instagram: @Mikewealthofficial
Twitter: @Mikewealth5

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Do you not know? Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom.