[AUDIO + VIDEO] 'Rhythm Of Your Love' – Chioma Okereke

Chioma Okereke - Rhythm Of Your Love
Gospel music singer Chioma Okereke has complimented the release of the single “Rhythm of Your Love” with the video.

The praise song speaks of the joy experienced when one bask in the love and grace He has made available unto us.

Chioma Okereke is a passionate worshipper and lover of God. She currently serves as a music minister at The Revival Assembly, Lagos.

She has released amazing singles such as “Okaka”, “He Loves Me”, “Gloria Halleluyah”, “Lord You Are” and an album “From my Heart to You”.

The video follows the release of the single “Mummy Mo”, produced by Freddibeat. The same producer behind “Rhythm of Your Love”.

Watch video below:




Twitter: @chioma_okereke1
Instagram: @chioma_okereke1
Facebook: Chiomasmusic

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