[DOWNLOAD] “Obi Uto” – Aida Benjamin

Here comes a brand new single from Aida Benjamin titled “Obi Uto”, meaning “Joyful heart”.

This song brings hope and comfort, which challenges us all to make the world a better place; especially by remembering the poor amongst us. There’s not a better time than now that the world needs healing, right from the soul to have such an amazing single.

Ada’s story is a mix of passion, love for God and for humanity. She is one amazing soul you will get to meet through the reverberating sound of her voice. One who’s wealth of knowledge and accomplishments in career, politics and business has not diminished her love and passion.

Now she brings it to the world; that beautiful and compelling beckon to join her makes the world a better place.
Enjoy the sweet sound, don’t miss this sincere plea; there is still hope!



Twitter: @Aidaglobal
Instagram: @adaku.u

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One thing I ask from the LORD, this only do I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze on the beauty of the LORD and to seek him in his temple.