LYRICS:: Victory – Ahide

I like to talk about how I overcome
How you’ve been with me and how far we have come
I like to sing about that things that you have done
How you fight for me and all my battles you have won
And then you turn around and give me the victory
You make me victorious in life
You turn around and give me the victory
You make me triumph in Christ
Triumph in Christ
Shout out to my own, this is how I began
Shout out to the world, yes we can
Be all we can be because of what you’ve done
You fought for us and our battle you won
And then you turned around and gave us the victory
You make us victorious in Christ
You turned and gave the victory
You make us triumph in life
Triumph in Christ
And you make known the savor of your knowledge
By us, in every place
V is for victory and
I, C a testimony
T, O, R, Y
The victory that overcomes the world
V is for victory and
I, C a testimony
T, O, R, Y
The victory that overcomes the world

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