After successfully winning at the CREAM platform Pastor Courage is officially out with his official debut album Glory of Divinity. The most beautiful thing about life is GOD and what makes life amazing is the glory that Heaven pours on earth. Any man or woman who is blessed and highly favored is simply one who is operating in the Glory of Divinity.
The Glory Of Divinity is the beauty of humanity… Enjoy this album and be blessed!!!
The 13 tracks album is available in stores across the country and on all digital stores across the globe.
ENOCH COURAGE STEPHEN also known as Pastor COURAGE is an Anointed Musician, a Producer, Composer, Writer, Speaker, Pianist, and an International Award Winning artist who loves GOD with his whole life. In the year 2009 the LORD gave him the mandate to heal nations and transform lives with his Music and Word. Over the years he has blessed millions of people all over the world and instant testimonies are the fruits and products of his ministrations. His vision is “TO RAISE WORSHIPERS AND WORSHIP ALTARS ALL OVER THE WORLD FOR JESUS CHRIST”
Instagram: @legendcourage
Twitter: @legendcourage
Snapchat: @legendcourage
Facebook: Pastor Courage
Album distributed by 7pro Media & Communications