[ARTICLE] Letter To My Upcoming Star by DjSosoGee


24-7, Don’t Give-Up Avenue,
Chosen Generation,
Victorious State,
Heavenly Kingdom.

Dear Upcoming Star,

How are you my celebrity? I hope fine. I know the industry has not been fair to you in terms of honorarium, sponsorship, endorsement, record deal, hit songs among others. I can feel your pains and I can see you struggling that’s why I choose to write you this letter.

Always remember you are prince/princess of Heavenly kingdom, destined to rule, dominate and make triumphant impact in this world. Oh yes! Don’t be afraid. Tough time don’t last, tough people do. In the words of Dave Hollister “keep on striving, never give up”.

I could remember in the year 20…,you gathered your band, rehearsed for days, prayed fervently, went for ministration and came back with N0,000,000.00k in your bank account. Turned down each moment you try to prove your ability. What about those days you couldn’t afford a studio session to wax a record. And when Uncle/Auntie turned you down because your mates are working in the office not studio. Chaiiii! Na wa ooh, people sef no dey try.

Well congratulations, I played your song on radio and at parties and the people love it.

They are anticipating and patiently waiting to see your video and if possible, drop another song and another song. Yes! You don’t stop when the road is closed. Continue, even if it will take you to create another.

Let me drop the anchor by saying, be diligent in all you do. Be creative in your composition. Pick up the mic, speak life and fill the vacuum of the legend you are looking at. And I will be amongst the crowd, singing with you and the name of our KING will be glorify.

Yours OnThaBeatz,
Moshood Abiodun
(DjSosoGee A.KA. DJ Soso Gospel)

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