New music from Temitope Akintewe titled ‘A so’ro ma tase’ a complete sentence in Yoruba language referring to a being that can be held responsible for his or her words. In the context of this song she refers to the Almighty God as the only one whose words are ever potent and never expires through time. Just as Isaiah 55 vs 11 rightly said;
“So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.
Throughout Scripture God reveals Himself to us through His names. Is He your Most High God, All sufficient One, Master, Lord of Peace, the Lord Who Will Provide? There is no better way to discover what God is like than to look at His names
JEHOVAH – RAPHA: the lord who heals – Exodus 15:22-26
JEHOVAH – JIREH: the lord who provides – Genesis 22
JEHOVAH – NISSI: the lord our banner – Exodus 17:8-15
He is also the JEHOVAH TALK AND DO: ‘A so’ro ma tase’
Listen to ASOROMATASE and believe that whatever God spoke about you will definitely come to fulfillment, notwithstanding the time at which it was pronounced by Him cos He is Jehovah EVERYTHING.
Produced by Anticankerworm.
Facebook: Temitope Akintewe
Instagram: @akintewe1
Twitter: @akintewe_t
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